Wagner School Counselor

Emily Armour
19 Williams Way
Winterport, Maine 04496
[email protected]

The school counseling program at Samuel L. Wagner Middle School offers to help students with their academic, and social-emotional needs. The school counseling program will offer guidance lessons through classroom instruction, individual meetings, small groups to assist students with academics, social-emotional support and friendship skills.

The counseling program aims to help promote a positive environment for everyone in the school. Students will feel welcome, and will feel safe and successful during their time spent at Wagner Middle School. The school counselor will collaborate with students, parents, teachers and community members to achieve success.

Parents, teachers and students are asked to consult with the counselor regarding any concerns surrounding academics or social emotional wellbeing. Appointments can be made with the counselor for individual or group counseling, or students may drop in. 

All students’ appointments and issues are kept confidential. Counselors are obligated not to disclose information shared within the context of the counseling relationship unless disclosure is necessary for protection of the individual. This includes but is not limited to serious threats of safety or self injury.  

(Click Here) for students to report incidents of bullying at school. We take all reports of bullying seriously. Our goal is to provide a safe and comfortable learning environment for all students.

I am here to help students achieve their personal/social and academic goals, as well as provide support for the parents and teachers. I can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at (207)223-4309.

Maine Crisis Hotline: 1-888-568-1112