A Welcome Message From Our School Nurse:
"The school nurse is a registered professional nurse certified with the Maine Department of Education working in the school setting who strengthens and facilitates the educational process by improving and protecting the status of children. The major focus of school nursing services is the prevention of illness and disability, and the early detection and correction of health problems. The school nurse is uniquely qualified in preventative health, health assessment, and referral procedures.'
School Nurse Responsibilities: http://maine.gov/education/sh/documents/schoolnursejobdescrip.pdf
Sickness and Injuries: Health Services follow specific guidelines related to reportable and/or communicable diseases. If the nurse determines that a student is unable to remain in school, a parent/guardian will be contacted to arrange for dismissal. When a student returns to school after surgery, injury, or extended illness, a doctor's note is requested to indicate restrictions or nursing care needed. These are times when good communication with the School Nurse can set the stage for assistance with questions, concerns, or referrals that may be beneficial for the student. Each school nurse has expertise in childhood diseases, growth and development, and school requirements that may be helpful. Please note that the school nurse is required to dismiss any student who may expose other children to infection.